Remembrance, Reality, Malory Towers

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Well, after blipping off the scale back into my plain down home phase, I am hitting reality again. I find it incredibly hard, but helped today by the Remembrance Day Parade.
O God Our Help in Ages Past, For Those in Peril .... Guides, Brownies and Senior Section were fantastic, we were so proud of them.
I just do have to stop rocking my children's boat. It's not my job now to pretend there is the option of a creekside homestead in Tennessee, home made cotton frocks for life and a Southern Baptist Boy to marry, and have 15 children!
They want to go to school, ride ponies, be in the Guides, and live their dream. It's time to leave mine to lie, and pick up where I left of 35 years ago.
Off to soak in the bath, with what else than First Term at Malory Towers.
I can brainwash myself into anything, if I try!!!


Unknown said...

Oooooooooh how lovely, I havent re-read Mallory Towers in years - I took "Rivals" into the bath with me - I just love Taggie, she's so sweet !! A xxx

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